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        1. Hello, welcome to the official website ofTaizhou Tongjiang Washing Machinery Factory!
          Service hotline
          keywords:Industrial washing machine industrial dehydrator industrial dryer industrial ironing

          Scheme of actual production of industrial washing machine

          發(fā)布:1 瀏覽:751次

          Injection of main steam is a very expensive method for heating water. The recovered condensed water is a valuable water resource in the laundry plant, because the water has been softened for steam generation, treated by chemotherapy, heated once, and then returned to the recovery tank at high temperature for reuse. When the high-temperature condensate is directly injected into the washing water for heating, it will be subject to additional treatment According to the Department of energy estimates, reducing or not using main steam heating can save nearly 18% of the fuel used to heat makeup water. At this time, the washing dragon operator will ask how to start with cold water? Or if the system stops for an hour in case of failure, how to heat the water? One way is to add heat recovery devices for each bin, so that hot water or even hot oil can be used to keep the temperature of the operating bin (without steam injection into the washing chamber), so as to reduce the need for central boiler. Another method is to add a small steam generator to provide steam for initial start-up and short-term temperature. In all cases, the actual production situation of the laundry plant will determine the scheme.

          Contacts:Chen Yingchun Mobile:13305263777 13921703632 (Same number of mobile wechat)

          Tel:0523-86552777,86552888 Fax:0523-86588830 E-mail:manager@tzcyc.com

          Add:28 Xingfeng East Road, Hailing District, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province

          copyright:Taizhou Tongjiang Washing Machinery Factory 【Disclaimer】

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