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        1. Hello, welcome to the official website ofTaizhou Tongjiang Washing Machinery Factory!
          Service hotline
          keywords:Industrial washing machine industrial dehydrator industrial dryer industrial ironing
          Industrial folding machine series
          • Industrial folding machine
          • Industrial folding machine
          2 Records 1/1 pages

          Contacts:Chen Yingchun Mobile:13305263777 13921703632 (Same number of mobile wechat)

          Tel:0523-86552777,86552888 Fax:0523-86588830 E-mail:manager@tzcyc.com

          Add:28 Xingfeng East Road, Hailing District, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province

          copyright:Taizhou Tongjiang Washing Machinery Factory 【Disclaimer】

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